Bandar Botanic Layout Plan

Bandar Botanic Layout Plan

Saturday, 7 March 2009

BBRAeNews No.70 - Why We need many Protest Letters from all residents to MPK.

Dear Residents,

3 Good Reasons Why the BBRA needs your Protest Letters to MPK for the setting up of Commercial Kindergartens and child care centers in residential area of Bandar Botanic.

We need your help.
This is the time to help the BBRA in order to help yourself.
The BBRA needs to provide the MPK with proof that the residents of all phases of Bandar Botanic, not just Jenaris Precint, are against the setting up of Commercial Kindergartens and Child Care Centers. This protest letter can be a written letter or in the form of emails addressed to the MPK and cc to John Lim(President of BBRA) and to Ben Phang (In Charge of Security Affair), who will on-forward to the MPK.

(For an example letter in Bahasa Malaysia, please refer to BBRAeNews No.69, in which Ben Phang has help in drafting a copy. )

3 Good Reasons why you need to write in.
1) If you the residents do not take this opportunity to put a stop of this Commercial Kindergartens in Jenaris Precint, believe me, sooner or later, they will spread to the other phases as well, once the residents or house-owners of other phases moved in to stay. One of these days, could be set-up in your phase, next to your home. You can’t say or see the future. The peaceful and tranquil residence garden will then become a semi-commercial garden with lots of cars, school buses and private taxis, etc sending children and again picking them up again. It is already happening in Jenaris Precint. Why then buy a house in Bandar Botanic if you already know that this will happen? Better buy a house where there is no garden or lake or better still buy a house near town and shopping centers.

2) The setting of these Commercial kindergartens centers have resulted in additional work for our Kawalan Sentral security guards as they have become traffic wardens directing traffic for fear of any accidents to the residents. I know how they feel as to them we residents are their ‘rice-bowl’ and their first priority is to provide safety and take care of the residents. Of course, they are also concern about the small kids coming and going. Any accidents would be bad moral for them. Every morning and afternoon, if you passed by, you can see the bunching of cars – about 4 to 6 cars at times as they come, stop and go. Some parked there for at least 1 hour.

3) I fear to think of the day when the house thief would take advantage of our security guards spending their time directing traffic and goes to rob a house behind their back. You have seen TV show “Mission Impossible” where every movements are well timed. Well, don’t you think the thief have not seen the TV show “Mission Impossible” too? Sure they will time their moves so that the security guards would be caught unaware. Already we all know that the Security Guards have to follow to a Clock-In Systems round the residents and lake. Will you put the blame on the security guards then? If you put on the blame on the Kindergartens, their answer would be surely “its not their fault” and the security guards are not doing their work - sort of blame it on the security guards you know. Then you may ask again, if that happens, will the kindergartens pay for the loss or at least a partial loss incurred due to a theft in any one of the houses as they have distracted the attention and duty of the guards?

The real duty of the guards:
The duty of the security guards is to petrol the houses and lakes regions, to solely act as a ‘look-out’ for suspecting thief and to intervene in the case of minor problems or in the case of a suspected house break-in, to immediately inform their supervisor who will report to their Office Control and Commanding Officer who will decide whether to call for additional security guards back-ups from other phases to rush there or to call immediately call the police. I have spoken to the security guards, and they have told me that nowadays they are equipped with ‘walkie talkie’. The madam of the Security Office Control also assured me that they intends to increase the purchase of ‘walkie talkie’ for their guards to use in the near future. Their duty is therefore not to be traffic wardens.


Ben Phang said...

Just a slight clarification ... I am no longer a committee member effective 5th January, 2009. I am currently the head of the sub-committee on security matters.

The sub-committee was set up in January this year to draft out a contract between Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral and residents who are paying for security services. Such a contract will detail appointment, termination, mutual obligations, etc. The sub-committee hope to submit a final draft to the main committee for its decision to recommend to residents. The draft is still in its infancy stage.


Jimmy said...

Hi Andrew,

My advise to you and Ben is to go directly to the residents for the objection letters. If you wait for them, I think you will be very disappointed.

Unknown said...


One need not be a committee member to be active and contribute to our community. What is needed commitment, determination and availability but above all unselfish attitute.

I fully agree that a contract, however brief is a prerequisit for residents who pay for security services. This must be pursue with utmost urgency as many residents have been paying such charges for a few years. Please rectify what others before you have fail.

BBRA KLANG 3 said...

Now that Ben Phang himself and Andersson has already brought up the matter regarding sub-committee on security matters and contract between the security company and BBRA, I feel that this matter should no be longer kept secret. Last month I was told to hold-on to this info pending decision. It is already one month and there is no decision from Ben or the Commmittee whether to go ahead to publish the matter into the blog for the residents to read.

BBRA KLANG 3 said...
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BBRA KLANG 3 said...

Dear Jimmy,
Thank you for your advise. Although I am a Blog Administrator, I assisted Ben. The response was tremendous. One elderly Chinese woman(a Tai Chi enthusiast) just sign and ask me to fill in the form for her as she does not know how to read and write Bahasa. But one man living next to a kindergarten chose not to sign as he says he seeks solace in the security the kindergarten can offer, something which the Kawalan Sentral cannot provide. Most residents who does not subscribe to the Kawalan failed to perceive that in the event of an emergency in their house, no help will be forth coming from the guards, as they are not their customer. I believe they will not even cast a glance into their house. They failed to perceive the ‘in the event’ thing. I ask him how about the noise and din from the children and the kids the whole day. Can he take it? He says he work during the say and back at night. I thank him humbly for decision as there is no compulsion. Anyway it is a 15 ‘aye’ against 1 ‘nay’!

BBRA KLANG 3 said...

he works during the day

Sunny Ho said...

This security issue and contract has been pending for a very long time.

I do not know why all this secret on the security matters and contract but it has to be made known to everyone, if not everybody at least the paying customers or the BBRA members.

As for the nurseries and kindergarten, why do you need letters? What I think is, if they do not have a license, then they have to go.

Unknown said...


How many objection letters on the kindergartens have you recived to date?

Whats the latest respond and or action(s) by MPK?


Busy recently? Have not heard your comments of late.

How is the security draft contract coming on?

Ben Phang said...


I am sorry to miss out on your posting of 17th. There has been totally no progress in the draft security contract as Mr. Vinutharan of Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral seem to be busy in Malacca lately. Despite assuring me he will send over the draft contract by 8th March, he has todate not done so and fail to respond to my mails and 2 sms.

With the fast approaching AGM, I guess I will submit a no progress report to the main committee and sign off as the head of the sub-committee for security by Monday 23rd March. You can be sure I will make serious recommendations to review the security situation in Bandar Botanic.

I am very disappointed over the poor attitute of Vinut/KSS and will leave it to the incoming committee to decide on the next course of action.

From an ordinary BBRA member.

John Lim said...

As of today, I have personally hand over 17 objection letter to Jaid, the person in charge.

Guys, you will have to monitor from here as I am overloaded with many other issues.