Thanks Halim for putting this blog up on behalf of BBRA. It is a useful tool for the association to connect with the residents of Bandar Botanic and vice versa. Let wish residents who are celebrating Christmas a Merry, merry Christmas and everyone a Happy New Year. May 2009 brings you wellness, happiness and prosperity.
Thank you for starting up a Blog on BBRA. To make the blog successful, the blogger must put in a lot of newsletters as readers are interested in knowing what had been done in the past. It is a great effort and good job. Regards,
You are right Andrew. The committee will meet on 30 Dec and thereafter we should be able to post more things. With regards to BBRA agenda, we work on a collective understanding. However, on this blog resident are free to post suggestions, information, complaints, initiatives, etc. to me or my colleagues.
I have taken the initiative to advise some of the residents, maybe around 30-40 about the BBRA new blog. Sorry I have only a limited lists of Resident's emails. If I have more, I dont mind imforming them.
Also, the other day, while walking around the lake, I happened to meet a Mr Sulantheran of Angsana, with his huge Rod Weiler. He told me that Angsana Phase 5 is going to form their own Resident Association just like Phase 9. He also applied to Putra Jaya and got approval to form a RELA. He is the head of the RELA ANGSANA. He said the RELA ANGSANA have recently caught a couple at night making love and having illecite sex, after having drugs & parties at the lake. They called the police and have them taken away.
He mentioned that the Kawalan Security do not petrol the lake region and he is fedup with the Kawalan Security. He is looking to change them if they do not improve.
Again, some of the Jenaris residents complaint to me recently that there are too many kindergardens blooming in the area next to their houses. This is a housing area and not a commercial area. It will bring in more outside cars and cause jams. There wont be any peace left for these residents.
I am not siding anyone but my personal observation is that current BBRA is not making any progress for the last one year. This blogspot should have been started up to serve its purpose many many months ago but not until the other side have started up their own and this acts as a catch-up. The common Residents of Bandar Botanic has only one common objective and not competing against each other for fame now. Please give a thought on this.
Thank you for your comment. It is indeed unfortunate that BBRA only managed to get its blog up now even though the committee has decided for several months to set up a website.
For your information some of BBRA's initiative for 2008 are, 1. Get the dual-carriage road constructed.
2. Get the Pondok Polis at Cassia to be in operation (the opening ceremony will be held soon).
3. Get a BBRA-TMO-MPK joint study tour of the Central Park (lake system) maintenance. There is an operation and maintenance procedure which only TMO knows not MPK. There are filters to be cleaned, pumps to be maintained, electrical, etc., BBRA has requested TMO to include MPK as the latter will be the party responsible for the maintenance. BBRA set the date on 23 August 2008 but it was not met by the parties concerned.
4. BBRA is involved in the enhancement of the security of Phase 1-6. BBRA does not have jurisdiction over the security company. The deal is between the security company and the residents. Nonetheless as we are also payees of the security, we tried our best to get the security company to perform.
5. BBRA committee members have helped in residents' disputes, car parking problems, complaints, hold residents' gathering, etc. Here, I wish to salute the team for the spirit of volunteerism.
Suffice to say here, Boon Huat, this blog is not sufficient for me to mention everything done for 2008 let alone 2007 and also what the previous committee had done.
BBRA committee meets every month. If you like to know more about what BBRA is doing and better still if you like to contribute to the well-being of Bandar Botanic, I can recommend you to your phase representative. He will be please to enlighten you. Or you can write to me at or call 016-2730400. One thing for sure, the recent happenings in Bandar Botanic is good for the township. It shows that the residents care and that the community consciousness of Bandar Botanic is well and alive.
Lastly, wishing you and everyone a very Happy New Year.
Thank you for supporting BBRA. Your initiative to help spread BBRA blog is most appreciated.
As for you other matters, I have noted them. However, should also like to discuss those matters with the respective phase representative, it would be very helpful to them too. Let me know and I will furnish you with their contact numbers.
I have, together with my wife, recently printed 500 flyers, all from my own pocket expenses and even without the BBRA's request, have distributed the flyers to the residents of Jenaris Phase 4 area, requesting residents for their e mail address if they needed Minutes of the Meetings, newsletters, etc...Although I have rejected your Representative's recent offer to elect me as a Committee Member, I am not just sitting around with folded arms and doing nothing. If I have somemore pocket expenses, I would print more flyers and distribute to the other Phases. Many people may say that I am stupid and wasting my time. However, in return, I have received many in-coming e-mail and sms requests from residents, requesting for informations of what is going on in bandar botanic. All these residents are very thankful. Of course, my first priority is to introduce them to BBRA's Blog as well as Mr George Peng's Blog. I am very happy because I know that what I am doing is humanitary and I derive satisfaction from people wishing me well and knowing that the residents are happy indeed.
I am happy to know that BBRA had contributed to the well-being of the residents and its surroundings. However, I would like to highlight one incident that until today, there is no action or feedback from BBRA or TMO.
I am a resident in Jenaris precint. I am fortunate to stay at a house facing the "lake". However, throughout the years, I noticed the sad deploration state of the "lake". The pump is not working for more than 2 years now. The lake along the Jenaris precint is nothing but stagnant filthy water. There are 2 occasions where a lot of fishes died along the Jenaris stretch of the lake. The developer just sent its people to collect the dead fishes, made some holes by the side, and bury it. No matter how many letters or e-mails to BBRA or TMO or MPK, there are no action, not even a little feedback on the issue. The lake continues to get filthier and filthier by the day. It is becoming a prefect breeding ground for mosquitoes as well. Please note that there are 2 dengue cases at Jenaris 9 alone last year, and one involved a pregnant woman who subsequently lost her baby. Do we need a death because of dengue to happen before the TMO/BBRA starts to take action? The answer given by the developer staff about the pump is that it had broken down and they have sent it to Singapore to rectify it. Funny enough, the pump miraculously worked when the residents had a meeting on 20 Dec 2008 only to stop again the very next day. I hope this year, we all can enjoy and see a cleaner Botanic lake.
This morning I went for a walk and noticed a group of dranken and unruly indians(sorry to say) about 5 to 6 of them, shouting and arguing amongst themselves. They were pushing and fighting. Three of them were without shirts on. Another residents who is a regular walker told me that at about 0630 am, these rough youths molested an elderly chinese women who was also taking a morning walk past them. They were gathered under the trees at the northen shore of the lake, opposite the exercise par course.These people are not from Bandar Botanic but outsiders.
I called the Kawalan Central Security and also reported to one of the BBRA Committee Member.The Kawalan Security came and left. The groups still there until about 0830 hours. My friend reported the Bandar Botanic Police.3 plaintcloths police came in two motorbikes, some half an hour, but too late, these dangerous bad hats were gone.
Nowadays, even our beautiful lake is not safe any more. Luckily no harm came to the elderly chinese woman. I would like to warn Botanic residents to be extra careful when you see these types of people around, and immediately call the police at this number:
BBRA is aware of the dead fish problem. It was brought to our attention a few months ago and complaint had made to TMO. The sight of dead fish floating is really worrisome.
Howvere, how can this problem be solved? 1. TMO and not MPK (except for cutting grass) has the expertise to manage the lake system. BBRA initiated the joint TMO-MPK-BBRA study tour so that knowledge is transferred for MPK to do the job and BBRA to monitor the job done according to procedure. Although this proposal was turned down we intent to bring it up again.
2. The lake acts as a retention pond. Rain water collected by underground drainage are sent to the lake, which regulate the volume of the water collected before pumping them to the sea. The problem is, most (if not all) houses renovated have connected their kitchen sewage pipe into the rain water drainage without knowing it. This was informed to us by TMO in our dialogue with them. Hence, dirty water is sent to the lake constantly. What about restaurant owners in Botanic who use their back lane for washing. They sent oily water into the lake. BBRA had informed the owners but they are reluctant to comply. Although TMO assures BBRA that the waster quality is compliance within "standards," my fear is that after they leave, the standard will drop - drastically. To maintain a healthy lake, residents have know how the lake system works and so will not contribute to its demise. Second, MPK will have to do a proper and regular maintenance.
3. The above information is nothing new especially to those who attended BBRA meetings. We organized a TMO-BBRA day around July 2007 but the attendance was poor. TMO at that gave a presentation of the lake system. Second, BBRA membership strength is weak in comparison to the residents living in Botanic, which leave us with a very difficult task to inform a township with diverse views and agendas. As such, as volunteers we can only try our best. The way to go is for residents to join our platform or any other platforms that are available in this township and together try to ensure the lake survives.
4. Regarding your letters/emails to BBRA, I am unsure whether I have received them. However, for faster response you can email to Mr. Ben Phang (, Mr. Jacob Thomas ( Both are BBRA phase rep. in Jenaris or you can email to me.
Thank you for writing to this blog. I assure you that I will bring the lake health problem again to TMO.
Finally Congratulation this website was set up as a catch up to on 25 th Dec 08
By right this website should have been set up long long time ago ie March 2007 but not on 22nd Dec 08.
The date 22nd Dec is also misleading cos the president only post the comment on 25 th Dec 08 22:26 for thanking the committee to set up the blog ON BEHALF of BBRA (not operated by BBRA), while the other blog already posted the 1st message on 25th Dec 6.29am.
However for me this is not a great issue whoever comes first but just to let our readers know the truth.
The most important is that critical issues must be addressed and solved rather than take it personally for the benefit of the Botanic residents.
BBRA, being a registered organisation with memberships subscription fees for joining fees and yearly membership fees with more than 1000 members,i suppose,do u think it is value/fair to give your members this type of `free' blogspot service and expect them to write to you? How about those members who cant write and read in English?
Furthermore, no informations except president's comment/s in this website. He may had done a great great job but all the records are kept in his personal cabinet. With strong financial resources and with so many talented resources in the group, i suppose the website (with proper domain registration and e-mail hosting for members and other online e-commerce functions) instead of blog (free and more for personal) should be able to give members or potential members more infomations on :-
1. What is the BBRA main visions, focus, or objectives?
2. What are the critical issues currently need immediate attention?
3. What are the accomplishment or what had been done for the passed 2 years. Why you need the member or potential member to call or e-mail to the president to get the informations. Why cant you make it transparent and post it in the website? Are all the minutes of meeting with relevant authorities under official secret act?
4. From your membership statistic analysis, how many % of your member accessible to this blog service,how many percent understand english or do not understand english and how you want to address the language issues?
Other open questions to president.
1. BBRA membership strength is weak. You should be brave enough to tell us what is the percentage of botanic residents are member. What is the membership number (or percentage from total houses in Botanic) before 2007 and after 2008? What is your target for this year or next year?
With such a weak membership, what action/s you had done and going to do to attract more membership?
2. Regarding BBRA-TMO-MPK joint study tour of the Central Park (lake system) maintenance suppose to be on 23rd Aug 08.'
Why there is no follow up?
3.`BBRA committee members have helped in residents' disputes, car parking problems, complaints, hold residents' gathering'
Recently i received an e-mail on inconsiderate parking by botanic residents, insteading educating and helping the residents,resort to complain to MPK.(sorry i m not siding anybody)
4.Regarding Joanne feedback the broken pump worked miraculously on meeting on 20 Dec 08. Can you explain why? Dont you think that meeting is fruitful at least the attendences are very good compare with your previous TMO-BBRA around July 2007. You can check from with all the photos and minutes TRANSPARENT. What is BBRA's stand on attending the meeting on that day. Dont you think that you should put your personal feeling apart temporarily? The sole purpose of the meeting was only to address the issues in Bandar Botanic. I called u up regarding critical issues on 15thNov 08, e-mail cc copy of letter to TMO on 17Nov 08, MPK on 30 Nov 08 and notice of meeting but not even a single respond.Even a member or not,being a president, you should act ourself or refer to your committees. But please think that all what i done is no other purpose other than to help solve the issues of Bandar Botanic park why treat it so personally?
As a respect to you, you were given chanced to give a speech but you didnt turn up at all..not even as a normal botanic resident..
Ok of course there are many more and please do not take it personally. I just deal with the president BBRA.
Thanks for the website for us to feedback.
But the most important, the association should be more proactive but not reactive and waiting for the residents to feedback...
---------------------------------------- by subscribing to the above comment/s informations, if inadvertently i have ridiculed or hurt once feeling my sincere apologies from my heart as this is not my intention. No personnel ill feelings.
Please visit www.bandarbotanicresidents.blogspot for `uncensored' comment/s particular on the `fighting and molesting case in Bandar Botanic on 1st January 09 and latest updated news with photos on 4th January 09 cos this blog cannot post photos.
Hope this comment not being victimized & being censored.:-)
On Wednesday (7 Jan) around 7.30am, while walking at the jogging track near Jenaris, I saw a very civic minded gentleman picking up the discharge of his dog putting it in a plastic bag for disposal.
Approaching him, I commended him for being civic-minded and his reply was that we all have to take care of the park. Mr. Ganesh, I salute you for your exemplary action. I hope all dog owners will follow Mr. Ganesh's example - you can help lessen dog's discharge on the park by picking your dog's discharge, put it in a plastic bag and dispose it properly.
There was one house robbery and another attempt to house breakin in Bungor on January 8,2009. The incident happened at noon time . Since the economy is bad and festival season is coming, all residents should be on alert.
Car stickers, changing of guards, strigent checks by the securities, season pass, alarm systems and porch light, etc..all these have been discussed by the Committee Members of the BBRA. The only reasons that I can think of is that did any residents ever care to find out what have had been discussed and what actions already taken with the revelant authorities. No one did, no one ever did. No residents are interested to find out. No one ever call the committee members.
I have received an e-mail from Mr Jacob Methews,who is a Committee Member of the BBRA representating Bunga Precint. I would like to share his email with you all good neighbours, and perhaps give him your comments. He can also be reached at his email address at Thank you very much.
QUOTE Dear Andrew, I have fully agree with your views on Botanic residents joint together to address our issues. I am one of the current BBRA committee member representing Bungor with Dr. Jaya. We had 2 house breakin in Bungor this week .I would like to highlight few points for your reference. 1. Our house properties are not GATED. We can not expect the security to be similar to gated property elsewhere. Also the Botanic park is a public park which we have no control. 2. As per our past two(2 ) years experience in working with our security provider, I do not expect much improvement from them. They too have limitation in enforcement as we are not in gated property. 3. Currently, the security is handled by respective phases with help of BBRA committee members and phase street reps. 4. From the current trend of responses, we do not expect much assistance from our developer for the security issues as we bought the houses as not gated. 5. In our view, the ulntimate solution is to have a complete fencing( cost effective) of each phase to reduce house theft and other security issues coming from the Botanic park. Also the interconnection roads between the phases has to be closed. Then we can ask for the tighten security from the security provider. We need to get the support( including finacial) from majority of residents in each phase before we go to MPK and rest of the regulatory for approval. We do have building contractors residing here willing to help us. Please have your views and comments. Regards, Jacob MathewsHP-012-2020369
With regards to Mr Jacob Mathews's idea of a Gated Community,and his request for comments and opinions, I have received a reply from one good resident En Khalik who supply me with a good article written by the Malaysian Bar Council on (GACOS) - Gated and Guarded Communities. Please pay particular attention to the final paragraph which reads that purchasers of house with GACOS will have to pay considerable higher charges for maintenance, sinking funds, security fee, electrical and water,etc not to mention quit rent and other rates levied. GACOS have got themselves into problems as some sub-purchasers may refuse to pay.....
PRIOR to the amendment to the Strata Titles Act 1985, the legal basis for the creation of a gated and guarded community (GACOS) scheme was grounded on a set of agreements between the developer and the purchasers in relation to their respective rights and obligations for the management and use of the areas in the development. Hence a developer would apply for subdivision of land into lots and subject to planning approval being obtained for the GACOS scheme, enter into a set of agreements and covenants to regulate the use of land in the scheme and, in particular, the land which would normally be public land or land to be surrendered to the authorities if it were not a GACOS scheme.
The problem with this was that many of these agreements, often referred to as Deeds of Mutual Covenants (DMC), were not enforceable against sub-purchasers once the separate issue documents of title were issued unless the developers were very careful in ensuring that the DMC was made to “run with the land”. The general view is that the DMC is merely a contract between the developer and the purchaser, and cannot be binding on and enforced against a sub-purchaser, unless he consented to it.
The consent of a sub-purchaser can easily be done in a case where the developer’s consent is required for the sub-sale. However, once a separate individual title is issued and transferred to the first purchaser, the developer’s consent will no longer be required and it is common for some purchasers in GACOS scheme to sell their property to sub-purchasers without getting the sub-purchasers to agree to sign a DMC with the developer or the person managing the GACOS scheme. Although the first purchaser shall contractually remain responsible to the developer if the sub-purchaser did not pay, for example, his security charges, this will be of little use in a case where the first purchaser has long gone, and the sub-purchaser is occupying the property.
One measure that could have been implemented by developers of a GACOS scheme prior to the amendment of the Strata Titles Act 1985, was to register the DMC as an easement under Section 282 of the National Land Code 1965, and upon registration the easement could then be enforced against any subsequent purchaser. The definition of easement under Section 282 of the National Land Code 1965 is wide enough to cover the DMC. Alternatively, the developer could have sought the state authority’s permission to impose a condition or restriction in interest on the land to incorporate the DMC.
Thus, it is not surprising that many GACOS schemes have got themselves into problems with some sub-purchasers who refuse to pay the dues, but yet enjoy the facilities paid for by others. Of course, in some cases these sub-purchasers did have good reasons for not paying.
Planning requirements
Currently, a developer may elect to proceed with subdivision of land under the National Land Code 1965, or subdivision of land into land parcels to be held under strata titles, under the Strata Titles Act 1985. Even if a developer chooses to subdivide the land under the Strata titles Act 1985, it does not necessary mean that the developer can develop a GACOS scheme. Planning law requirements as well as the State Authority have set out strict guidelines for approving GACOS. These guidelines also take into account socio-economic factors in determining whether to allow GACOS. Some of the matters addressed by the guidelines (in the case of Selangor) are as follows:-
(i) Application is made only by the land owner / developer;
(ii) The maximum area allowed for each “parcel” for “gated community” should not exceed 20 acres;
(iii) Type of development, number of units, building set-back and densities are regulated;
(iv) Roads in the housing scheme are not connected with the adjoining areas at the time the application is made or in the future;
(v) Facilities and open spaces to be provided are generally more onerous than normal development;
(vi) Facilities outside GACOS area are to be also provided by the developer;
(vii) Construction of guard house without barrier is permitted. The location should not obstruct the traffic (situated at road shoulder only);
(viii) The location and design of the guard house must be shown in the plan when the Planning Approval is being made;
(ix) The fencing height is regulated;
(x) Road reserves, street lights, drains, rivers, pavements, playground and vacant area remain as public reserved area. Developer can maintain the facilities based on agreement entered with the Local Authority;
(xi) Local Authority and other utility companies are free to conduct their maintenance work in the guarded area; and
(xii) Developer to propose detailed information with regards to the concept of ‘Gated Community’ development in:-
a)Disclosure statement; and
b)Deed of Mutual Covenants (minimum requirements must be incorporated as set out by the authority);
(xiii) Where developer wants local authority to provide some of the services then an agreement containing prescribed terms is to be included in the maintenance agreement between the local authority and the developer. These prescribed terms include a security bond.
Finally, it must be understood and appreciated that all purchasers of houses in a GACOS will have to pay considerably higher charges for the maintenance, sinking fund, security fees, electricity and water and other services because the cost of all facilities within the boundary of GACOS will have to be borne by them in addition to the usual quit rent and rates levied.
The writer is a member of the Conveyancing Practice Committee, Bar Council, Malaysia
Note: This column is brought to you by the Malaysian Bar Council for your information only. It does not constitute legal advice. You should, therefore, seek professional legal advice for your specific needs. Neither the Malaysian Bar nor the Sun Media Corporation Sdn Bhd shall be liable to any reader who suffers losses as a result of relying on this column.
Thanks for your feedback and information on the GACOS community. I will check with lawyer friends and MPK contacts to find other issues related to making our resident area to GACOS after the we puchased the property. There were few cases in Subang Jaya and PJ where ungated resident areas became gated property due to high crime and security issues. We need to collect more information for our reference.
We welcome further comments from the experts residing in our Botanic.
The Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral has via their Circular dated 30-12-2008 advice all residents that their guards has caught two suspected thiefs and handed them over to the Police(incident dated 31st October,08) with heavy tinted vehicle.
All residents are advice to be extra careful & on the lookout for a Proton Wira-Dark Blue and Orange and a Naza Citra-Silver.If you notice these two vehicles or any other vehicles with dark heavy tinted windows petrolling the area, please call them.
To Bandar Botanic Township, Found this article, hope would be useful to our Botanical Lake.
Cleanup Clams by Rebecca on Jan. 26th, 2009 in Interdependence of Life
Biologists are using clams to identify and clean up river pollutants.
Clams are filter-feeders, meaning they gather water into their shells, eat any food they find in that water, and then release the water back into the environment. The clam inadvertently filters more than just their food out of the water. Other material suspended in the water, such as toxins and pollutants, can accumulate in the clams.
Biologists in Washington, DC, along with help from high schoolers, released clams downstream from industrial parks and highways. The clams absorbed any lurking pollutants and then the scientists could identify the kinds and quantities of pollutants in the water. This process can be quite costly, but the clams offer an alternative method.
The ultimate goal is to be able to trace the pollutants back to their sources. From there, the cleanup process can begin.
Thanks Halim for putting this blog up on behalf of BBRA. It is a useful tool for the association to connect with the residents of Bandar Botanic and vice versa. Let wish residents who are celebrating Christmas a Merry, merry Christmas and everyone a Happy New Year. May 2009 brings you wellness, happiness and prosperity.
John Lim
Dear John,
Thank you for starting up a Blog on BBRA. To make the blog successful, the blogger must put in a lot of newsletters as readers are interested in knowing what had been done in the past. It is a great effort and good job.
You are right Andrew. The committee will meet on 30 Dec and thereafter we should be able to post more things. With regards to BBRA agenda, we work on a collective understanding. However, on this blog resident are free to post suggestions, information, complaints, initiatives, etc. to me or my colleagues.
Hannah is my daughter. I accidentally clicked the button without noticing it. John Lim
Dear John,
I have taken the initiative to advise some of the residents, maybe around 30-40 about the BBRA new blog. Sorry I have only a limited lists of Resident's emails. If I have more, I dont mind imforming them.
Also, the other day, while walking around the lake, I happened to meet a Mr Sulantheran of Angsana, with his huge Rod Weiler. He told me that Angsana Phase 5 is going to form their own Resident Association just like Phase 9. He also applied to Putra Jaya and got approval to form a RELA. He is the head of the RELA ANGSANA. He said the RELA ANGSANA have recently caught a couple at night making love and having illecite sex, after having drugs & parties at the lake. They called the police and have them taken away.
He mentioned that the Kawalan Security do not petrol the lake region and he is fedup with the Kawalan Security. He is looking to change them if they do not improve.
Again, some of the Jenaris residents complaint to me recently that there are too many kindergardens blooming in the area next to their houses. This is a housing area and not a commercial area. It will bring in more outside cars and cause jams. There wont be any peace left for these residents.
Andrew Sum
I am not siding anyone but my personal observation is that current BBRA is not making any progress for the last one year.
This blogspot should have been started up to serve its purpose many many months ago but not until the other side have started up their own and this acts as a catch-up.
The common Residents of Bandar Botanic has only one common objective and not competing against each other for fame now.
Please give a thought on this.
Dear Boon Huat,
Thank you for your comment. It is indeed unfortunate that BBRA only managed to get its blog up now even though the committee has decided for several months to set up a website.
For your information some of BBRA's initiative for 2008 are,
1. Get the dual-carriage road constructed.
2. Get the Pondok Polis at Cassia to be in operation (the opening ceremony will be held soon).
3. Get a BBRA-TMO-MPK joint study tour of the Central Park (lake system) maintenance. There is an operation and maintenance procedure which only TMO knows not MPK. There are filters to be cleaned, pumps to be maintained, electrical, etc., BBRA has requested TMO to include MPK as the latter will be the party responsible for the maintenance. BBRA set the date on 23 August 2008 but it was not met by the parties concerned.
4. BBRA is involved in the enhancement of the security of Phase 1-6. BBRA does not have jurisdiction over the security company. The deal is between the security company and the residents. Nonetheless as we are also payees of the security, we tried our best to get the security company to perform.
5. BBRA committee members have helped in residents' disputes, car parking problems, complaints, hold residents' gathering, etc. Here, I wish to salute the team for the spirit of volunteerism.
Suffice to say here, Boon Huat, this blog is not sufficient for me to mention everything done for 2008 let alone 2007 and also what the previous committee had done.
BBRA committee meets every month. If you like to know more about what BBRA is doing and better still if you like to contribute to the well-being of Bandar Botanic, I can recommend you to your phase representative. He will be please to enlighten you. Or you can write to me at or call 016-2730400. One thing for sure, the recent happenings in Bandar Botanic is good for the township. It shows that the residents care and that the community consciousness of Bandar Botanic is well and alive.
Lastly, wishing you and everyone a very Happy New Year.
John Lim
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for supporting BBRA. Your initiative to help spread BBRA blog is most appreciated.
As for you other matters, I have noted them. However, should also like to discuss those matters with the respective phase representative, it would be very helpful to them too. Let me know and I will furnish you with their contact numbers.
Dear John,
I have, together with my wife, recently printed 500 flyers, all from my own pocket expenses and even without the BBRA's request, have distributed the flyers to the residents of Jenaris Phase 4 area, requesting residents for their e mail address if they needed Minutes of the Meetings, newsletters, etc...Although I have rejected your Representative's recent offer to elect me as a Committee Member, I am not just sitting around with folded arms and doing nothing. If I have somemore pocket expenses, I would print more flyers and distribute to the other Phases. Many people may say that I am stupid and wasting my time.
However, in return, I have received many in-coming e-mail and sms requests from residents, requesting for informations of what is going on in bandar botanic. All these residents are very thankful. Of course, my first priority is to introduce them to BBRA's Blog as well as Mr George Peng's Blog. I am very happy because I know that what I am doing is humanitary and I derive satisfaction from people wishing me well and knowing that the residents are happy indeed.
Andrew Sum - Resident
Happy New Year to all Botanic residents!
Dear John Lim and BBRA committee members,
I am happy to know that BBRA had contributed to the well-being of the residents and its surroundings. However, I would like to highlight one incident that until today, there is no action or feedback from BBRA or TMO.
I am a resident in Jenaris precint. I am fortunate to stay at a house facing the "lake". However, throughout the years, I noticed the sad deploration state of the "lake". The pump is not working for more than 2 years now. The lake along the Jenaris precint is nothing but stagnant filthy water. There are 2 occasions where a lot of fishes died along the Jenaris stretch of the lake. The developer just sent its people to collect the dead fishes, made some holes by the side, and bury it. No matter how many letters or e-mails to BBRA or TMO or MPK, there are no action, not even a little feedback on the issue. The lake continues to get filthier and filthier by the day. It is becoming a prefect breeding ground for mosquitoes as well. Please note that there are 2 dengue cases at Jenaris 9 alone last year, and one involved a pregnant woman who subsequently lost her baby. Do we need a death because of dengue to happen before the TMO/BBRA starts to take action? The answer given by the developer staff about the pump is that it had broken down and they have sent it to Singapore to rectify it. Funny enough, the pump miraculously worked when the residents had a meeting on 20 Dec 2008 only to stop again the very next day. I hope this year, we all can enjoy and see a cleaner Botanic lake.
Date: 1-1-2009 @ 0730 hours
This morning I went for a walk and noticed a group of dranken and unruly indians(sorry to say) about 5 to 6 of them, shouting and arguing amongst themselves. They were pushing and fighting. Three of them were without shirts on. Another residents who is a regular walker told me that at about 0630 am, these rough youths molested an elderly chinese women who was also taking a morning walk past them. They were gathered under the trees at the northen shore of the lake, opposite the exercise par course.These people are not from Bandar Botanic but outsiders.
I called the Kawalan Central Security and also reported to one of the BBRA Committee Member.The Kawalan Security came and left. The groups still there until about 0830 hours. My friend reported the Bandar Botanic Police.3 plaintcloths police came in two motorbikes, some half an hour, but too late, these dangerous bad hats were gone.
Nowadays, even our beautiful lake is not safe any more. Luckily no harm came to the elderly chinese woman. I would like to warn Botanic residents to be extra careful when you see these types of people around, and immediately call the police at this number:
Polis Gerakan 013-2456997
Best wishes and a Happy New Year.
Dear Joanne,
BBRA is aware of the dead fish problem. It was brought to our attention a few months ago and complaint had made to TMO. The sight of dead fish floating is really worrisome.
Howvere, how can this problem be solved?
1. TMO and not MPK (except for cutting grass) has the expertise to manage the lake system. BBRA initiated the joint TMO-MPK-BBRA study tour so that knowledge is transferred for MPK to do the job and BBRA to monitor the job done according to procedure. Although this proposal was turned down we intent to bring it up again.
2. The lake acts as a retention pond. Rain water collected by underground drainage are sent to the lake, which regulate the volume of the water collected before pumping them to the sea. The problem is, most (if not all) houses renovated have connected their kitchen sewage pipe into the rain water drainage without knowing it. This was informed to us by TMO in our dialogue with them. Hence, dirty water is sent to the lake constantly. What about restaurant owners in Botanic who use their back lane for washing. They sent oily water into the lake. BBRA had informed the owners but they are reluctant to comply. Although TMO assures BBRA that the waster quality is compliance within "standards," my fear is that after they leave, the standard will drop - drastically. To maintain a healthy lake, residents have know how the lake system works and so will not contribute to its demise. Second, MPK will have to do a proper and regular maintenance.
3. The above information is nothing new especially to those who attended BBRA meetings. We organized a TMO-BBRA day around July 2007 but the attendance was poor. TMO at that gave a presentation of the lake system. Second, BBRA membership strength is weak in comparison to the residents living in Botanic, which leave us with a very difficult task to inform a township with diverse views and agendas. As such, as volunteers we can only try our best. The way to go is for residents to join our platform or any other platforms that are available in this township and together try to ensure the lake survives.
4. Regarding your letters/emails to BBRA, I am unsure whether I have received them. However, for faster response you can email to Mr. Ben Phang (, Mr. Jacob Thomas ( Both are BBRA phase rep. in Jenaris or you can email to me.
Thank you for writing to this blog. I assure you that I will bring the lake health problem again to TMO.
John Lim
Finally Congratulation this website was set up as a catch up to
on 25 th Dec 08
By right this website should have been set up long long time ago ie March 2007 but not on 22nd Dec 08.
The date 22nd Dec is also misleading cos the president only post the comment on 25 th Dec 08 22:26 for thanking the committee to set up the blog ON BEHALF of BBRA (not operated by BBRA), while the other blog already posted the 1st message on 25th Dec 6.29am.
However for me this is not a great issue whoever comes first but just to let our readers know the truth.
The most important is that critical issues must be addressed and solved rather than take it personally for the benefit of the Botanic residents.
BBRA, being a registered organisation with memberships subscription fees for joining fees and yearly membership fees with more than 1000 members,i suppose,do u think it is value/fair to give your members this type of `free' blogspot service and expect them to write to you? How about those members who cant write and read in English?
Furthermore, no informations except president's comment/s in this website. He may had done a great great job but all the records are kept in his personal cabinet. With strong financial resources and with so many talented resources in the group, i suppose the website (with proper domain registration and e-mail hosting for members and other online e-commerce functions) instead of blog (free and more for personal) should be able to give members or potential members more infomations on :-
1. What is the BBRA main visions, focus, or objectives?
2. What are the critical issues currently need immediate attention?
3. What are the accomplishment or what had been done for the passed 2 years. Why you need the member or potential member to call or e-mail to the president to get the informations. Why cant you make it transparent and post it in the website? Are all the minutes of meeting with relevant authorities under official secret act?
4. From your membership statistic analysis, how many % of your member accessible to this blog service,how many percent understand english or do not understand english and how you want to address the language issues?
Other open questions to president.
1. BBRA membership strength is weak. You should be brave enough to tell us what is the percentage of botanic residents are member. What is the membership number (or percentage from total houses in Botanic) before 2007 and after 2008? What is your target for this year or next year?
With such a weak membership, what action/s you had done and going to do to attract more membership?
2. Regarding BBRA-TMO-MPK joint study tour of the Central Park (lake system) maintenance suppose to be on 23rd Aug 08.'
Why there is no follow up?
3.`BBRA committee members have helped in residents' disputes, car parking problems, complaints, hold residents' gathering'
Recently i received an e-mail on inconsiderate parking by botanic residents, insteading educating and helping the residents,resort to complain to MPK.(sorry i m not siding anybody)
4.Regarding Joanne feedback the broken pump worked miraculously on meeting on 20 Dec 08. Can you explain why? Dont you think that meeting is fruitful at least the attendences are very good compare with your previous TMO-BBRA around July 2007. You can check from with all the photos and minutes TRANSPARENT. What is BBRA's stand on attending the meeting on that day. Dont you think that you should put your personal feeling apart temporarily? The sole purpose of the meeting was only to address the issues in Bandar Botanic. I called u up regarding critical issues on 15thNov 08, e-mail cc copy of letter to TMO on 17Nov 08, MPK on 30 Nov 08 and notice of meeting but not even a single respond.Even a member or not,being a president, you should act ourself or refer to your committees. But please think that all what i done is no other purpose other than to help solve the issues of Bandar Botanic park why treat it so personally?
As a respect to you, you were given chanced to give a speech but you didnt turn up at all..not even as a normal botanic resident..
Ok of course there are many more and please do not take it personally. I just deal with the president BBRA.
Thanks for the website for us to feedback.
But the most important, the association should be more proactive but not reactive and waiting for the residents to feedback...
by subscribing to the above comment/s informations, if inadvertently i have ridiculed or hurt once feeling my sincere apologies from my heart as this is not my intention. No personnel ill feelings.
Please visit www.bandarbotanicresidents.blogspot for `uncensored' comment/s particular on the `fighting and molesting case in Bandar Botanic on 1st January 09 and latest updated news with photos on 4th January 09 cos this blog cannot post photos.
Hope this comment not being victimized & being censored.:-)
Hi John,
Thank you for your reply dated 30 December 2008 19:18
Best Regards
On Wednesday (7 Jan) around 7.30am, while walking at the jogging track near Jenaris, I saw a very civic minded gentleman picking up the discharge of his dog putting it in a plastic bag for disposal.
Approaching him, I commended him for being civic-minded and his reply was that we all have to take care of the park. Mr. Ganesh, I salute you for your exemplary action. I hope all dog owners will follow Mr. Ganesh's example - you can help lessen dog's discharge on the park by picking your dog's discharge, put it in a plastic bag and dispose it properly.
Thank you.
Dear residents,
There was one house robbery and another attempt to house breakin in Bungor on January 8,2009. The incident happened at noon time . Since the economy is bad and festival season is coming, all residents should be on alert.
Dear residents,
Car stickers, changing of guards, strigent checks by the securities, season pass, alarm systems and porch light, etc..all these have been discussed by the Committee Members of the BBRA. The only reasons that I can think of is that did any residents ever care to find out what have had been discussed and what actions already taken with the revelant authorities. No one did, no one ever did. No residents are interested to find out. No one ever call the committee members.
To All Good Residents,
I have received an e-mail from Mr Jacob Methews,who is a Committee Member of the BBRA representating Bunga Precint. I would like to share his email with you all good neighbours, and perhaps give him your comments. He can also be reached at his email address at Thank you very much.
Dear Andrew, I have fully agree with your views on Botanic residents joint together to address our issues. I am one of the current BBRA committee member representing Bungor with Dr. Jaya. We had 2 house breakin in Bungor this week .I would like to highlight few points for your reference. 1. Our house properties are not GATED. We can not expect the security to be similar to gated property elsewhere. Also the Botanic park is a public park which we have no control. 2. As per our past two(2 ) years experience in working with our security provider, I do not expect much improvement from them. They too have limitation in enforcement as we are not in gated property. 3. Currently, the security is handled by respective phases with help of BBRA committee members and phase street reps. 4. From the current trend of responses, we do not expect much assistance from our developer for the security issues as we bought the houses as not gated. 5. In our view, the ulntimate solution is to have a complete fencing( cost effective) of each phase to reduce house theft and other security issues coming from the Botanic park. Also the interconnection roads between the phases has to be closed. Then we can ask for the tighten security from the security provider. We need to get the support( including finacial) from majority of residents in each phase before we go to MPK and rest of the regulatory for approval. We do have building contractors residing here willing to help us. Please have your views and comments. Regards, Jacob MathewsHP-012-2020369
To BBRA Committee & All Residents,
With regards to Mr Jacob Mathews's idea of a Gated Community,and his request for comments and opinions, I have received a reply from one good resident En Khalik who supply me with a good article written by the Malaysian Bar Council on (GACOS) - Gated and Guarded Communities. Please pay particular attention to the final paragraph which reads that purchasers of house with GACOS will have to pay considerable higher charges for maintenance, sinking funds, security fee, electrical and water,etc not to mention quit rent and other rates levied. GACOS have got themselves into problems as some sub-purchasers may refuse to pay.....
LAW & REALTY: Gated and guarded communities
Friday, 06 July 2007 09:15am
©The Sun (Used by permission)
by Derek Fernandez
(Part 1 of this article appeared last Friday.)
PRIOR to the amendment to the Strata Titles Act 1985, the legal basis for the creation of a gated and guarded community (GACOS) scheme was grounded on a set of agreements between the developer and the purchasers in relation to their respective rights and obligations for the management and use of the areas in the development. Hence a developer would apply for subdivision of land into lots and subject to planning approval being obtained for the GACOS scheme, enter into a set of agreements and covenants to regulate the use of land in the scheme and, in particular, the land which would normally be public land or land to be surrendered to the authorities if it were not a GACOS scheme.
The problem with this was that many of these agreements, often referred to as Deeds of Mutual Covenants (DMC), were not enforceable against sub-purchasers once the separate issue documents of title were issued unless the developers were very careful in ensuring that the DMC was made to “run with the land”. The general view is that the DMC is merely a contract between the developer and the purchaser, and cannot be binding on and enforced against a sub-purchaser, unless he consented to it.
The consent of a sub-purchaser can easily be done in a case where the developer’s consent is required for the sub-sale. However, once a separate individual title is issued and transferred to the first purchaser, the developer’s consent will no longer be required and it is common for some purchasers in GACOS scheme to sell their property to sub-purchasers without getting the sub-purchasers to agree to sign a DMC with the developer or the person managing the GACOS scheme. Although the first purchaser shall contractually remain responsible to the developer if the sub-purchaser did not pay, for example, his security charges, this will be of little use in a case where the first purchaser has long gone, and the sub-purchaser is occupying the property.
One measure that could have been implemented by developers of a GACOS scheme prior to the amendment of the Strata Titles Act 1985, was to register the DMC as an easement under Section 282 of the National Land Code 1965, and upon registration the easement could then be enforced against any subsequent purchaser. The definition of easement under Section 282 of the National Land Code 1965 is wide
enough to cover the DMC. Alternatively, the developer could have sought the state authority’s permission to impose a condition or restriction in interest on the land to incorporate the DMC.
Thus, it is not surprising that many GACOS schemes have got themselves into problems with some sub-purchasers who refuse to pay the dues, but yet enjoy the facilities paid for by others. Of course, in some cases these sub-purchasers did have good reasons for not paying.
Planning requirements
Currently, a developer may elect to proceed with subdivision of land under the National Land Code 1965, or subdivision of land into land parcels to be held under strata titles, under the Strata Titles Act 1985. Even if a developer chooses to subdivide the land under the Strata titles Act 1985, it does not necessary mean that the developer can develop a GACOS scheme. Planning law requirements as well as the State Authority have set out strict guidelines for approving GACOS. These guidelines also take into account socio-economic factors in determining whether to allow GACOS. Some of the matters addressed by the guidelines (in the case of Selangor) are as follows:-
(i) Application is made only by the land owner / developer;
(ii) The maximum area allowed for each “parcel” for “gated community” should not exceed 20 acres;
(iii) Type of development, number of units, building set-back and densities are regulated;
(iv) Roads in the housing scheme are not connected with the adjoining areas at the time the application is made or in the future;
(v) Facilities and open spaces to be provided are generally more onerous than normal development;
(vi) Facilities outside GACOS area are to be also provided by the developer;
(vii) Construction of guard house without barrier is permitted. The location should not obstruct the traffic (situated at road shoulder only);
(viii) The location and design of the guard house must be shown in the plan when the Planning Approval is being made;
(ix) The fencing height is regulated;
(x) Road reserves, street lights, drains, rivers, pavements, playground and vacant area remain as public reserved area. Developer can maintain the facilities based on agreement entered with the Local Authority;
(xi) Local Authority and other utility companies are free to conduct their maintenance work in the guarded area; and
(xii) Developer to propose detailed information with regards to the concept of ‘Gated Community’ development in:-
a)Disclosure statement; and
b)Deed of Mutual Covenants (minimum requirements must be incorporated as set out by the authority);
(xiii) Where developer wants local authority to provide some of the services then an agreement containing prescribed terms is to be included in the maintenance agreement between the local authority and the developer. These prescribed terms include a security bond.
Finally, it must be understood and appreciated that all purchasers of houses in a GACOS will have to pay considerably higher charges for the maintenance, sinking fund, security fees, electricity and water and other services because the cost of all facilities within the boundary of GACOS will have to be borne by them in addition to the usual quit rent and rates levied.
The writer is a member of the Conveyancing Practice Committee, Bar Council, Malaysia
Note: This column is brought to you by the Malaysian Bar Council for your information only. It does not constitute legal advice. You should, therefore, seek professional legal advice for your specific needs. Neither the Malaysian Bar nor the Sun Media Corporation Sdn Bhd shall be liable to any reader who suffers losses as a result of relying on this column.
Dear Mr.Andrew Sum and En Khalik,
Thanks for your feedback and information on the GACOS community. I will check with lawyer friends and MPK contacts to find other issues related to making our resident area to GACOS after the we puchased the property. There were few cases in Subang Jaya and PJ where ungated resident areas became gated property due to high crime and security issues. We need to collect more information for our reference.
We welcome further comments from the experts residing in our Botanic.
The Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral has via their Circular dated 30-12-2008 advice all residents that their guards has caught two suspected thiefs and handed them over to the Police(incident dated 31st October,08) with heavy tinted vehicle.
All residents are advice to be extra careful & on the lookout for a Proton Wira-Dark Blue and Orange and a Naza Citra-Silver.If you notice these two vehicles or any other vehicles with dark heavy tinted windows petrolling the area, please call them.
Their Call Centre No is: 03-33748784
To Bandar Botanic Township,
Found this article, hope would be useful to our Botanical Lake.
Cleanup Clams
by Rebecca on Jan. 26th, 2009
in Interdependence of Life
Biologists are using clams to identify and clean up river pollutants.
Clams are filter-feeders, meaning they gather water into their shells, eat any food they find in that water, and then release the water back into the environment. The clam inadvertently filters more than just their food out of the water. Other material suspended in the water, such as toxins and pollutants, can accumulate in the clams.
Biologists in Washington, DC, along with help from high schoolers, released clams downstream from industrial parks and highways. The clams absorbed any lurking pollutants and then the scientists could identify the kinds and quantities of pollutants in the water. This process can be quite costly, but the clams offer an alternative method.
The ultimate goal is to be able to trace the pollutants back to their sources. From there, the cleanup process can begin.
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