Six kindergartens too many
Today(20-7-2011), YB Charles Santiago and Mr Yew Boon Lye, the Councillor for Bandar Botanic, together with some MPK pesonnel, and several reporters from the various Press, met with the residents of Jenaris, Bandar Botanic on the arrangements of BBRA.
The major issue of the huge kindergarden as well as the other smaller kindergardens were discussed vehemently.

The following appears in the SELANGOR TIMES. a free weekly newspaper with a focus on cummunity news.
Six kindergartens too many by Brenda Ch'ng.
KLANG: Five kindergrtens, with another being built, are proving to be too many for a community with just 420 households. Residents of Jenaris Bandar Botanic are growing more frustrated by the daily traffic snarls in the mornings and evenings at the single entrance and exit into the neighbourhood.
"How the council could approve another kindergarten in this area is beyong comprehension." said resident Benjamin Phang. The 57 -year-old, who lives on Jalan Jenaris 8, said one kindergarten in a neighbourhood should have been enough. He said residential homes should not be converted for commercial pruposes, more so when the area is supposed to be a guarded community.
Echoing his sentiment on Wednesday was Bandar Botanic Residents Association (BBRA) committee member Lim Chin Beng.
"The council should come up with a solution for the traffic congestion immediately and stop approving commercial developments in residential areas." he said, adding that residents want a win-win solution to combat the traffic congestion.
However, he added that if traffic is manageable and smooth, there is no reason why the kindergartens cannot continue to operate.
The 65 year old resident has been living there for eight years and has been coping with the bad traffic conditions from day one.
According to Phang and Lim, development plans showed that the newest kindergarten is also being built on a plot of land that is not meant for commercial use.
However, the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) has denied this and maintains that the land is for commercial prupose.
"MPK approved the kindergarden and building because according to their records, only one of the existing kindergartens is registered and licensed", said councillor Yew Boon Lye. The four others are unlicensed and have been summoned by MPK.
In addition, MPK guidelines states that kindergartens cannot operate in the radius of 200m from each other.
Yew pointed out that MPK approved the sixth kindergarten because they didn't see any reason for rejecting the building plans for an empty commercial land.
But he acknowledged that the local council had made a mistake in not conducting a site visit to determine the suitability of kindergarten in the area.
Yew said he will call on MPK's Engineering, Planning and Building Department to conduct a traffic study in the area.
"It is unfair to stop or demolish the almost-completed building as they got a proper licence and approval from the council'" he said.
To expediate the traffic solution, Klang Member of Parliament Charles Santiago will set up a meeting between the council's engineering department, the residents association and kindergarten owners to resolve the traffic issues.
"This is poor planning on the part of MPK to impose restrictions on the new kindergarten and come up with an alternative route for the exit and entrance for the area.
"I cannot imagine how the residents can put up with daily flow of minimum 400 cars driving in and out of their housing area just to drop off and pick up children," Santiago said.
"How the council could approve another kindergarten in this area is beyong comprehension." said resident Benjamin Phang. The 57 -year-old, who lives on Jalan Jenaris 8, said one kindergarten in a neighbourhood should have been enough. He said residential homes should not be converted for commercial pruposes, more so when the area is supposed to be a guarded community.
Echoing his sentiment on Wednesday was Bandar Botanic Residents Association (BBRA) committee member Lim Chin Beng.
"The council should come up with a solution for the traffic congestion immediately and stop approving commercial developments in residential areas." he said, adding that residents want a win-win solution to combat the traffic congestion.
However, he added that if traffic is manageable and smooth, there is no reason why the kindergartens cannot continue to operate.
The 65 year old resident has been living there for eight years and has been coping with the bad traffic conditions from day one.
According to Phang and Lim, development plans showed that the newest kindergarten is also being built on a plot of land that is not meant for commercial use.
However, the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) has denied this and maintains that the land is for commercial prupose.
"MPK approved the kindergarden and building because according to their records, only one of the existing kindergartens is registered and licensed", said councillor Yew Boon Lye. The four others are unlicensed and have been summoned by MPK.
In addition, MPK guidelines states that kindergartens cannot operate in the radius of 200m from each other.
Yew pointed out that MPK approved the sixth kindergarten because they didn't see any reason for rejecting the building plans for an empty commercial land.
But he acknowledged that the local council had made a mistake in not conducting a site visit to determine the suitability of kindergarten in the area.
Yew said he will call on MPK's Engineering, Planning and Building Department to conduct a traffic study in the area.
"It is unfair to stop or demolish the almost-completed building as they got a proper licence and approval from the council'" he said.
To expediate the traffic solution, Klang Member of Parliament Charles Santiago will set up a meeting between the council's engineering department, the residents association and kindergarten owners to resolve the traffic issues.
"This is poor planning on the part of MPK to impose restrictions on the new kindergarten and come up with an alternative route for the exit and entrance for the area.
"I cannot imagine how the residents can put up with daily flow of minimum 400 cars driving in and out of their housing area just to drop off and pick up children," Santiago said.
if the kindergardens are not lisenced why not close them down?
if the kindergardens are not lisenced why not close them down?
they have been around for so long!
if summons have been issued what has been the response?
seems like the councillor is being less then direct.
Your comments noted.
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