Date: 24th April,2010.
Time: 0700 am in the morning.
"Time And Tide Waits For No One."
-Andrew Sum
On this day the early folks of Bandar Botanic woke up to a shocking truth...that part of the walkways were flooded, the children's playgrounds were all flooded, the bridges were flooded, the stationary swans half submerged, backyards toilet bowls of residents houses flooded caused by underground moonsoon drains overcapacity (the underground system that was build by the developer). It looks like the movie '2012 end of the world' had come early.
The only residents who slept sounding is those who did the land grab behind their backyard, where the flood water was prevented from advancing. They had the last laughs... ha ha ha !
The obvious lesson to learn here is that all residents must take precautions against the deterioration of the Retention Lake, and its surrounding more seriously. Already there are more damages done by oursiders to our beautiful lake and garden.
But the situation points more clearly to the developer's problem that they failed to give proper maintenance and check to the drainage systems early attention.... Or did they failed to foresee such catastrophy? The entire Angsana precinct I think is lower than Kiara and Jenaris, and this includes the very Lake itself.
To us the residents, our ignorance are akin to playing the violin while Rome burns.
I have taken the opportunity to capture some pictures. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what will a few pictures say? I hope these pictures will wake us all up to the reality. Go for change.

Let me guess what the developer will say:
a) The retention pond served its purpose!
b) Act of God!
c) It was part of the design
d) Did you catch our water puppet show?
e) all of the above
Dear fellow residents, please voice your dissatisfaction as all of us in Bandar Botanic were conned when the developer told us that it was a LAKE, safe & secured township, and with many amenities. Lies, lies and more lies.
"The only residents who slept sounding is those who did the land grab behind their backyard, where the flood water was prevented from advancing. They had the last laughs... ha ha ha !"
Is this a personal opinion or is BBRA now saying that it is okay to have land grab?
This is a personal opinion – hypothetically speaking. Of course it is NOT okay for any resident to do a land grab but after the land grab, at the time, nobody borders at all to pursue matter future to higher authorities. TMO who then has the jurisdiction over the land did not take action, so did the local Town Council. Therefore the resident who did the land grab had the last laugh because he has not been brought to justice, matter of fact. He got away scott free. It is therefore a lesson to be learned here.
Anyway, I have just tendered my resignation as Blog Administrator giving 1 month’s notice. Anyone interested? Vacancy on!
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