Bandar Botanic Layout Plan

Bandar Botanic Layout Plan

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.283 - Pot Luck Photographs

The Pot Luck 14th November,2009.

When we do something together with others - a communial activity - we discover common denominators; barriers are lowered or broken down; we feel relaxed with them, as if we've known them for a long time, even though we might never have met them before or been introduced to them. Shared experiences form a link between us, and our lives intermesh.
-Andrew Sum

Monday, 28 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.282 - How to stop pollution to rivers and lake by improving the water quality without leaving your home.

How to stop pollution to rivers and lake by improving the water quality without leaving your home.
-Andrew Sum

In our areas, our streets connect to downstream lakes, and streams through the storm sewer system. Water runs off your street and your yard rapidly through storm sewers carrying pollutants collected along the way, directly into our lakes and rivers, without any kind of cleaning or other treatment. So think about it: Because our streets connect directly to the water, we all own waterfront property! Rightfully, storm water typically should goes into a treatment pond, which is generally designed to remove about half the pollution that enters.

Six things you can do to help save our local lakes.
1. Mulch or compost your grass clippings.
Keep your grass clippings off of hard surfaces (sidewalks, driveways, streets) from which they can be washed away, ultimately ending in our waters. Mulching your grass reduced the need for fertilizer because, as the grass clippings break down, nutrients are released into your lawn. And, less fertilizer on your lawn means less fertilizer in the water. If you don’t want to mulch, compost your grass clippings. Also, don’t cut your grass lower than 3 inches. Slightly longer grass will stay greener, reducing the need for watering. And, less watering means less runoff.
2. Mulch or compost your leaves
Because they blow away, leaves can be an ever bigger problem than grass clippings. Mulch or compost the leaves as soon as they fall and as often as possible. This minimizes the chances that they will reach our waters.
3. Use zero-phosphorous fertilizer.
If you must fertilize, do not use a fertilizer that contains phosphorous. Remember, it’s phosphorous that accelerates algae growth in our lakes. Consider this – one pound of phosphorous in runoff can result in 500 pounds of algae growth! Our lawns do not need additional phosphorous to look green and healthy. Make sure to keep any excess fertilizer off of hard surfaces – sweep the fertilizer from sidewalks, driveways and streets so it won’t run off into our waters.
4. Reduce storm water runoff from your property.
Runoff is excess water that washes the grass clippings, leaves, fertilizer and other “pollutants” from lawns, sidewalks and driveways, carrying them into our water system. To reduce runoff, use rain barrels to collect rain water from watering plants. You can also create “rain gardens” – collection areas that are planted with native, moisture-loving vegetation.
5. Use native plants, remove invasive, non-native plants.
Landscaping with native plants improves our local ecosystem. Native plants are adapted to our environment and climate and are tolerant of both draught and tough rain weather. This draught tolerance means no need for excessive watering. Native plants are also adapted to our soils and thus don’t need fertilizers or pesticides.
6. Properly dispose of household hazardous waste.
Do not pour old gasoline onto the street or wash paint brushes at the end of your driveway. Where do these pollutants end up? In our lakes and rivers. Properly dispose of households hazardous wastes. Whether gasoline, paint, pesticides, antifreeze, motor oil or the like, dispose of them at your rubbish bins to be taken out. Their effect on our water can be devastating.

“We are killing the lakes and rivers in our neighborhood. Each of us, with our seemingly harmless everyday yard work, has a small part in it, but together the effects are becoming very significant.”
Our neighborhood lakes and wetlands form an interconnected ecosystem that, because of the cumulative effects of such things as grass clippings, leaves and fertilizer, is in danger. As organic materials (grass, leaves, etc.) reach the water, they decay, releasing phosphorous into the system. Additional phosphorous from fertilizers and pesticides also enter via storm water runoff. This excess phosphorous fuels an explosive growth of algae which forms a green scum on top of the water. This layer blocks sunlight. With no light, there is no photosynthesis and underwater plants can’t grow. Then, as all of this algae dies and decays, it uses up oxygen. With depleted oxygen, fish and other underwater creatures can’t exist.
The chain of events that links your yard work to the death of our local lake.
You are connected to a lake

Your rooftop is connected to your gutter
Your gutter is connected to your downspout
Your downspout is connected to your sidewalk
Your sidewalk is connected to your driveway
Your driveway is connected to your street
Your street is connected to your storm drain
Your storm drain is connected to your grassland
Your grassland is connected to your lake.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.281 - Danger from above.

Weaver Ants - Danger from above.

They are reddish ants and live high above in treetop nests they build and belong to the ant genus Oecophylla (subfamily Formicinae). A giant weaver ants nest may look like it is damaging the leaves and branches of a tree. But weaver ants actually protect the tree and are like miniature bodyguards for the tree. They have “sweet tooth” and have a strong chemical in their bodies called formic acid, which they used to protect their nests. Actually they are harmless ants if you dont disturb their habitat.
Just be careful when you are taking a stroll under the many trees in the Botanical Garden.

BBRAeNEWS No.280 - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!
Some movies are legendary, in the arena of Westerns dramatic widescreen, for example The Good (Clint Eastwood), The Bad( Lee Van Cleef), The Ugly ( Eli Wallace).

In Bandar Botanic, we too have The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!

The Good

The Bad

The Ugly

Photos of BBRA portraying a negative image, if addressed, will surely result in an all round improvement in the environment. If an adnormality has been corrected kindly photograph it and sent for production. BBRA would like everyone to be environmentally friendly. Have a Heart.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.279 - The Problems Encounters by a Residents Association.

Problems encounters by a Residents Association.
-Andrew Sum.

1) Maintenance troubles which have plagued residents such as sunken curb that didn’t meet its standards, detention pond that steadily gathered contaminated water. All these are things that a Resident Association has to accept its responsibility to the few people that elects them. Residents blamed the developer for the problems, and it is the residents who form an association to handle such maintenance matters and it is the resident who must support their Residents Association all the way which they have elected. That is the purpose of a Resident’s Association. Should there be any deviation of purpose or agenda of the elected Resident’s Association, then the people must voiced their concern direct to the RA and correct its fault. In this way, a Resident Association would be strong and steady. Forming another association or several other associations would not help much.

2) The Resident Association recently hopes to take out of crime with talks with the KKS which is the present security company. The Talk is on going. The recent crime is worrying. The Resident Association should invite all of its residents to a community meeting about possible forming crime watch groups other than the KKS. This is because the recession has only heightened security concerns of nervous residents. Snatch thieves are typical in many such older communities. Break-ins can happen at houses of part-time “snowbird” residents here after they return to their second homes-“winter vacations”. A volunteer unit should be form to patrol to check on residences that are away. This would reduce burglaries tremendously. Did any residents ask the Police or Residents Association to help? Did any residents offer advices and recommendations to their RA? They just assumed and kept quiet. Did citizens gave the thumbs-up and verbally compliment the Resident Association for the positive things they have done?

3) There are yet residents committee members who have lived for some 4 years, volunteering with this RA and looks to bring their skills. They faced area problems such as mushrooming kindergartens, rubbish clearance and road maintenance, and spearheaded and petitioned to get things done quietly. As a committee member they advocate developing good relationships with surrounding communities and such relationships are integral with issues, like road & maintenance, rubbish, since such issues can affect neighbors. All of these have gone unnoticed. Better still their work has received, on the contrary, condemnations.

4) The BBRA are taking a lead, but are the residents so impressed by the work which is being done by their elected RA and commitment and dedication that they have? They have also taken the lead to be environment-friendly by organizing a Gotong Royong. Do the resident ever notice and understands that all these are fully volunteering work? Those who condemn the Residents Association, did they care to path take and be a committee member and join their silent work, much less to offer a valuable solitude advice or a solitude solution?

The road ahead is long and difficult for any Resident Association, and needs all
the support they can get..

BBRAeNEWS No.278 - Yet another news read on Guarded Community.

Friday December 25, 2009
Guarded over gates
The Star Newspaper

To gate or not to gate ... that is the perplexing question.
EMOTIONS are escalating over the issue of gated and guarded communities, if media reports are anything to go by.
Participants say it gives them peace of mind, never mind the cost and inconvenience but the naysayers are fuming at what they view as an infringement of their right to unhindered access to where they live.
At the least, I’m a proponent of guarded communities. Look, we will never have policemen patrolling housing areas around the clock. If the crime rate were negligible, this would not be an issue. It isn’t, and many of us are thus driven to setting up extra protection in our neighbourhoods.
You don’t have to be a victim of crime to take precautions. Better to be safe and put up with some hassles, than be sorry.
Yet, are some residents’ associations taking it too far?
I’ve been to gated communities where the alleys and back-lanes are permanently barricaded – as if petty thieves on motorbikes and on foot can’t find their way through these barriers!
Access is limited to just a road or two. As a visitor to the area, I’m inconvenienced by this; heck, even residents paying for the service tell me this is a bit much but dare not speak up at meetings. I can imagine how those who don’t contribute to the security arrangements would feel.
Where I live, we took the guarded community route about eight months ago, and the crime rate in the area has dropped drastically since then, to almost zero. We’ve stopped short of hard barricades – our guards use plastic cones to make motorists slow down for a security check.
The guards are posted around the clock at all access points, and additional ones patrol the area regularly. Compared to the barricades and metal drums I’ve seen in other areas, ours is a mild system, but it has worked well and the guards have always practised non-confrontational behaviour – they are polite but alert.
My point – our safety objective has been met without roads being permanently closed. Even those not paying for the service enjoy living in a crime-free zone, and if they complain about needing to slow down at the check-points, I say, “too bad, live with it!”
However, barricading roads permanently is a bit drastic, and surely, a compromise can be reached? Say, a mid-ground that doesn’t require a housing area to look like a restricted military zone, and yet, with enough security measures, including alert guards constantly monitoring the area with minimal impediment to residents?
Just because your car hasn’t been stolen or your purse snatched or your house broken into doesn’t mean you and your loved ones are always going to be this fortunate. So don’t get your hackles up over others taking precautionary measures as long as they’re not extreme.
Safety comes with some inconveniences, but that’s the world we live in these days. Crime won’t stop by itself, so we need to institute measures to get back our streets and neighborhoods. Heck, we need to feel safe at home!
Be prepared to give in a bit, and I’m sure both sides can reach an amicable solution. I have a suggestion – give the guards a list of car registration numbers of residents in the area, whether or not they subscribe to the service.
This will make it easier for them to recognize residents’ vehicles, so there won’t be any need to stop these cars for questioning.
Look, if you won’t contribute, at least don’t impede and if you can, don’t be so rigid as to forget that others have their rights, too.
Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy 2010 ahead. Ho, ho, ho, indeed ...

Friday, 25 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.277 - Botanic Family Church - At Home With God.

Botanic Family Church A/G,
(Changing Lives, Building Families)
2-2, Jalan Jasmin 8,
Bandar Botanic, 41200 Klang.
H/P 016-2730400

The Botanic Family Church A/G, organized a 2009 Christmas Celebration Service from 10.00am to 12.00am on 25th December,2009. BBRA Blog Administrator Andrew Sum was invited by Pastor John to attend the Christmas service on Christmas Day. A huge crowd of Church goers were already there seated. They were Christmas songs, Carol Rendition & Benediction and Christmas Offerings. There were speeches by Rev John, who spoke of God’s Greatest Gift to mankind, interpreted into Mandarin by Miss Lai Zhi Jun. The service ended with a Christmas Open House Lunch at the Ground Floor.

The Botanic Family Church Building in Bandar Botanic.

The BFC Book Store
The BFC Worship Team singing christmas carol.
Welcome to BFC Christmas Celebration Service.
Rev John Lim giving a speech and message.
BFC Worship Team singing Christmas Carols and Benediction.
Education centre for children.
Classroom for children.
Cutting a Big Turkey for Open House Lunch.
Church goers having their lunch.

Something about the Founding Pastor – Rev.John Lim.

Rev.John Lim started Botanic Family Church A/c from the living hall of his rented double storey house in Taman Bayu Perdana Klang in 2003 with 4 persons who are his own family members. Nonetheless by the end of the year, the group grew to 15 people comprising of 2 bible study groups.

In 2004, Rev. John organized the bible study groups into a church with a weekly Sunday Morning Worship Services in English and Mandarin, Prayer Meeting and Cell Groups. In 2005, Rev. John received the license to operate his church with the Assemblies of God of Malaysia and the location assigned to pioneer this church was Bandar Botanic Klang.

In Dec,2005, BFC moved to a double storey shop lot in Bandar Botanic and held its first service on Christmas Day. “It was a landmark in the history of BFC because we have finally arrived at our home ground, Bandar Botanic.” Under the leadership of Rev.John, BFC has grown in many ways.

Rev.John received his B.A. in Bible/Theology from ICI University (USA) and a Master in Biblical Studies in Missiology from Pacific International University (USA). He is ordained with the Assemblies of God of Malaysia and has served full-time since 1993.

Rev.John is married to Sharon Lim, a specialist teacher with the orang kurang upaya students at a local school in Klang. They have 3 children, Hannah, Gabriel and Gideon.

Together with the rest of the members of BFC, the vision of Rev.John is to build a family church where everyone is at home with God.

The church vision is “Changing Lives, Building Families”.
John’s dream is to build a church with strong spiritual and family atmosphere of faith where everyone is redeemed and healed.

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.276 - Green Facts.

Green Facts
So You Know Everything?

According to World Statistics, 3.6 trillion plastic bags are used per hour, our of which only one percent is recycled.

Photos of BBRA portraying a negative image, if addressed, will surely result in an all round improvement in the environment. If an adnormality has been corrected kindly photograph it and sent for production. BBRA would like everyone to be environmentally friendly. Have a Heart.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.275 - A Moment of Beauty - Fairy tail garden.

A Moment of Beauty - Looking through summer trees branches.
BBRA Moment of Beauty Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.The goal of this blog is also to show at least one moment of beauty for each day. We can all benefit from taking some time each day to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.A new lovely photo or image is presented every day. From bright images of flowers and landscape to solemn photos of religious status in shadow, to little hands discovering new things. BBRA Moment of Beauty will offers you a wonderful new surprise each day. Why you will like this site is because it is very family friendly and will brings a smile or moment of happiness of so.

BBRAeNEWS No.274 - The Folly of Anger.

Anger is Not the Answer.

The picture below shows the result of anger, just because some outsiders spending their time during the night.

Now, what had been done cannot be undone. It is a shame to Bandar Botanic.

"Anger has overpowered him, and driven him to a revenge which was rather a stupid one, I must acknowledge, but anger makes us all stupid."

Monday, 21 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.273 - Drinking Green Tea.

Health Tips - Drinking Green Tea.
“It is considered the favorite beverage of most people today not only by Chinese, but from people all over the world. Drinking Green Tea proves to give many health benefits more than any other beverages so the demands of this drink have never gone down. However, what is this green tea that made the world crazy more than a hundred of years ago? It is a special kind of tea, which came from China 4,000 years ago. Traditionally, it is used as a simple cure to heal certain illnesses and is made from Camellia sinensis leaves. Though most people are aware of the benefits due to drinking green tea, not all are aware of the ingredients it contains that help us lose weight. Polyphenol is considered the most important ingredient in green tea. This is an antioxidant found in this drink, specifically known as the EGCG or the Epigallocatechin-3-gallate. It is the main ingredient in fighting cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and oral bacteria.”

BBEAeNEWS No.272 - Homeless Cows

Poor Homeless Cows.

Bandar Botanic and Bukit Tinggi seems to be a sanctuary for stray, ill-nourished and helpless cows.
Ever thought of prevention of cruelty against animals by man and nature?

Wonder where they are going to spend their Christmas!

Saturday, 19 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.271 - Beautiful Morning.

Beautiful Morning.
BBRA Moment of BeautyEverybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.The goal of this blog is also to show at least one moment of beauty for each day. We can all benefit from taking some time each day to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.A new lovely photo or image is presented every day. From bright images of flowers and landscape to solemn photos of religious status in shadow, to little hands discovering new things. BBRA Moment of Beauty will offers you a wonderful new surprise each day. Why you will like this site is because it is very family friendly and will brings a smile or moment of happiness of so.

Friday, 18 December 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.270 - Accident Hazards

Accidents Hazards - Waste Bins placed in the center of the road, obstructing traffic.
We give below a good sumaritan's email seeking help to remove the offending bins. 15th Dec,09
Yet another problems with contractors in Cassia Precinct. Waste > disposal trucks placed on the road before turning into cassia 9. > How can such things be allowed as the trucks do not only block > half of the road but also reduce visibility to those turning out > from cassia 9.> > I believe when this trucks is replaced there will sure to be > damage on the tar road and road dividers. Refering to your > previous mail on laws for carrying out construction withing BB > should be enforced again immediately before any untoward > accidents happen.> > Regards,

We called up Encik Fauzi of Alam Flora and resolved the problem. (Note: The Waste Bin does not belong to Alam Flora but rather belongs to a Sub Contractor of the MPK who supplied the Waste Bin to a Resident who is doing Renovation Work on his house. Encik Fauzi is another good samaritan who goes out of his way to assist us to contact MPK to resolve the matter).
Hi ........,As of this morning 16th Dec 2009 at 8am, the obstructing rubbish truck has been moved and no longer obstructing traffic flow. The truck is now placed infront of the house undergoing renovation.


If all residents of Bandar Botanic are like this good sumaritan, then this Botanical garden will be peaceful and a wonderful place to live in. All it takes is a act of kindness and concern for your fellow neighbours. Christmas is near and sure enough the spirit of Christmas is in this good sumaritan's heart.