Bandar Botanic Layout Plan

Bandar Botanic Layout Plan

Friday, 28 August 2009

BBRAeNEWS No.206 - Beware of Dogs.

Dear Residents,

Beware of Loose Dogs.


The following pictures speak eloquently to the need for a lifetime commitment by responsible, competent dog owners to properly train and socialize their dogs. There are no problem dogs, just problem owners.
Many people, especially children and women have been frightened by the threat of dog attack, but most don’t see their own dog as a threat.

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but they may also bite the hand that feeds them. The cost of pain and suffering after a dog bite is great.

Our Human Society has dispelled many of the common myth associated with dangerous dogs but the typical perpetrator is usually the family dog, and the victim are usually children and women. Most bites occur while the dog is unleashed. Nearly most of the attack occurs on street, sidewalk or alley adjacent to the dog owner’s property.

Anyone who regularly walks runs or rides a bicycle will encounter dogs. Most of these encounters are friendly and harmless. Some dogs will bark at or chase passing pedestrians or bicycles. This is normal canine behavior and is in itself not dangerous. The dog can however annoy someone enjoying a peaceful walk, run or ride. In addition it is often difficult to tell if an unfamiliar dog might bite or attack if he catches you. But occasionally the dog will be vicious and dangerous in some way and they can cause problems.

I know of a lady who had been bitten by a small dog near Phase 3. And the dog owner, also a woman, just stood there did nothing to deter the dog, which she let loose. She did not even offer an apology. Such is the disgusting attitude of some Botanic residents. The lady had to go to the clinic for an anti rabbis injection and after one year the dog teeth’s marks are still there.
A sharp noise sometimes chases these dogs away. Throwing a small rock in the dog’s general direction, without actually hitting it will also often chase the dog away. Frequently the act of bending down to pick up the rocks works.

Pay attention: If you see stray or potentially dangerous dogs ahead try to alter your route to avoid them. If a particular route has a problem with potentially dangerous dogs, map out a new route or call the local animal control officers from MPK!
Fortunately truly vicious dogs are rare, but they do exist. Some breeds such as pit bulls, rottweilers, and similar breeds have been bred for protection or fighting – such as the one belongs to my resident friend in Phase 6. If such dogs are mistreated or poorly trained by their owners, they can become vicious and extremely dangerous.

If you encounter such a dog, do whatever is necessary to protect yourself.
Here are some tips:

1. Do not try to run away. Two legged humans cannot outrun a four legged dog, no matter how scared they are. The dog will chase if you run.
2. Back away slowly while facing the dog.
3. Use whatever is available to protect yourself. If available, a large stick, rock can strike the dog from a distance.
4. At the last resort, curl up into a ball covering your face and head. Do not move and hope that the dog loses interest in a non moving object.
5. Do not hesitate to take appropriate legal action afterwards.


Jacob Mathews said...

Dear Andrew, Thanks for the article. It is very useful to BB residents.

Ben Phang said...

It may be a bit late to take appropriate legal action. Be a bit proactive and call up my Vietnamese workers. They love dogs especially the free running ones.

Jesman69 said...
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