Dear Residents,
Thank You,
A Thank You speech from the President of BBRA.
Dear All,
BBRA Walk & Talk on 28th June 09 @ 6.00pm
Thank you for all that came for the walk and making it happened.
I'm very happy that everyone enjoyed the walk and also burns some calories..... actually one of you residents told me that the total distance of jogging path is 4.6km! So at least we did 2km yesterday. I believe when we walk together, we talk and laugh along the way, we didn't feel the distance. Yesterday was the second, but I can already see and heard positive comment from the a few residents that came along. One of the comments is about the publicity of the walk, many who joined was invited personally by committee members and not because they are aware/read from the blog. Probably next time BBRA would do a banner for more awareness of the next event.
These are suggestions for our next walking event:
1) create a name for the event e.g. Unity walk, 1BB walk, BB family walk etc...resident, pls suggest.
2) BBRA to provide water and also would open table for members to pay subscription and promote BBRA. In fact yesterday we got one resident wanted to join BBRA.
3) try to promote this event as family walk and not only for the parents / members.
4) to distribute our Suara Botanic / flyers.
Once we have say 100 residents joining this event, it can evolve into family days, tree planting/ green day, sports carnival and so on.
I also would like invite our MP and also MPK to join us in the coming event. I believe many residents would like to meet their MP personally and also to see MPK in action issuing summons to the bikers.
Let us think and act positively to make this an event that ALL of us can feel proud of.
Once again, thank you and keep the good participation and let us do it again. Together we make it happen.
Nor Halim
President BBRA
BBotanic has a freebie to offer. Yes....Some residents have invited their friends who stay far away to come and park their cars along the residential roads around their house and dissapear..WHY? Because they dont have to pay for parking and security is provided free by the homeguard services which is being paid for by other residents. Just drive along Cassia 7 you'll see a Volvo which has been parked there without being driven for the last 1 month.
Dear all,
I have enjoyed the last week walk organised by BBRA. Next walk, we need more publicity.
Have a nice weekend
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