Dear Residents,The Splendour of the Police Force -at the Bandar Botanic Open Dialogue between the Police and residents of Bandar Botanic on 24th April,2009 at Town Hall, at 8.30pm.Matters brought up and discussed were:
Heavy vehicles parked indiscriminately at homes.
Heavy vehicles parked indiscriminately at highways.
Polis Pondok fencings to be partially opened up within a month.
Police to work alongside MPK Enforcing units to bring peace ar the lake.
Drugs and gangsters cases can be reported at the police pondok.
Illegal racings and mat rampit
BBRA monthly meeting with the Police can be made in weekly meeting to gather information.
The following persons brought up the issues:
Mr Jacob Mathews (Vice President)
Mr Ng Seen See (Secretary)
Mr Ben Phang(Committee Member-Jenaris)
Mr Ong HC (Asst Secretary)
Mr Rajan Member BBRA
A Resident